It's almost Valentine's Day and you can tell when walking into any convince store. Rows of red heart shaped boxes and big stuffed animals are everywhere. Does it actually make you feel less lovey dovey and more uncomfortable?
If you are anything like me it does. Not just because I'm single but even while in relationships, I feel weird walking around the holiday area of stores. Because it's a forced fed version of what you are suppose to do and how you are suppose to feel around a certain time of the year; a holiday. These are the types of gifts we should get and give. It's a societal expectation we are meant to conform to in order to keep the norm going. It's normal to give a gift to someone you care about on Valentine's Day. But why only on Valentine's Day? Why not give gifts to special people in your life on any day you feel inspired to. Rather then having to on a certain day. And why can't one of those gifts be to yourself? Whether you are single or not the Valentine's holiday is a great time to practice self love. Try giving yourself a gift you have been wanting that will further your self love. I'm not talking about consceded ego centric self love, yet authentic self love. The kind of love you should have given to yourself a long while ago. That can come I the form of giving yourself permission to persue a new passion or career path. By allowing yourself not to give in to your pervious excuses of why you couldn't do it before and say yes to your yes. I did just that in the start of this year. I became certified as a personal stylist. But before I even did that I reached out to a local established stylist to assist her on upcoming projects. The first one I helped her with was a photoshoot for the cover and feature in Santa Barbara Life and Style Magazine. I finally got a chance to pick up the magazine and see my name listed twice as the stylist assistant. It was completely unexpected and unasked for. As I was simply allowing myself to try out my other passions and see where they could lead. Not bad for my first gig in the styling world. There is magic in following your yes. My goal is to help others transform into their best self possible. Personal style transformations are a piece of what I offer a long the transformation path. Anything that I'm passionate about and that is inline with that goal is a yes for me. Following my passion purpose is self love for me. What is self love for you? How will you be practicing that this season? Will you invest in yourself to pursue your passions? Share with me in the comments below🌹
How To Overcome Negative Thoughts to Become an Entrepreneur
Here are some simple ways to overcome negative thoughts towards becoming an entrepreneur.
Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of time lost in ambiguity.
When you’re supremely clear about where you’re going and what you want to do, there’s no time lost. Your actions are clear & precise, and you can make an AMAZING amount of progress in just a short period of time. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to eliminate the time-management nightmare.
Before long you will have a finished product or project, and plenty of time to relax or do something else…like stare out the window for 20 minutes. What are YOU going to do TODAY? Have you ever felt that you had nothing to offer…no gifts to share whatsoever?
During spells of frustration or despair, it’s common to feel worthless. It can seem that everyone else is far more brilliant, beautiful & worthy of consideration. In times like these, take solace in the one thing that you can offer that no-one else can: your unique perspective. You see, nobody looks at the world the way that you do, nor thinks in exactly the same way. Once you start to engage your innate intelligence, be it simple and from the heart or complex and of the mind, your unique creativity begins to shine, and you become a beacon of brilliance. You may be sitting on the one solution that no-one else can imagine, or you may hold just the right words to bring comfort and understanding to a tense situation. You never know until you start to apply your mind, your perspective & your creativity to something outside of yourself. And sometimes, you don’t even need to EXPRESS your intelligence. Consider the CEO who sits with her team-leaders, intently listening to their ideas until brilliance is born. By simply sitting in active contemplation, you “magically” amplify the collective intelligence. How will YOU influence the world TODAY? Sometimes it seems like nothing works the way it should. If you’re a human, you have probably hit that point where work is no fun, relationship is a struggle and you don’t even feel comfortable in your body.
At times like these, changing your life can seem overwhelming. There’s so much to do…where do you even start? It’s quite simple, really…just change ONE thing. Read a magazine article you would never typically even consider. Try a new type of restaurant. Take a different route to work. Any simple change of scenery can shift your perspective, and has the potential to drastically transform your life. It’s like a ship at sea…if it changes course even one degree, 100 miles later it’s in completely new waters. Of course, the most profound shifts are the ones you make on the inside. Annoyance can easily be turned into fascination. Frustration can be flipped to become gratitude. Even anger can be transformed if you simply turn it into a song. You don’t have to tackle the whole enchilada, just make one simple shift. And the best part is…it’s all experimentation. If you don’t like your new perspective, you can always go back to your old one. What “one-degree” shift can YOU make TODAY? |