Follow Your Yes & The Determination to Live Your Dream
Are you living where you want to be living? Are you in your dream city? Are you having your dream life?
Follow Your Yes!
What have you been wanting to do for so long but have pushed away thinking it's not possible for you? Where have you been called to move to but have been scared to take the plunge? Where have you been hoping to travel to but thought it would be to complicated to make it happen? If any of that resonates with you, then you have been doubting yourself and the magic of the universe. You may get the glimmer of the Yes energy but then default back to the No. The No energy is the worry, doubt, shame, unworthiness, all those feelings and thoughts that aren't our true selves. Our true selves are the realization that we are already whole and complete in divine perfection. The Yes energy says you are worthy, you are peaceful, you are filled with positive possibility. If you have been wanting to break free of where you are now, physically or emotionally. If you have been wanting to change from a place of improvement upon an already perfect self. If you don't subscribe to the notion that you are broken and need fixing, we could be good match. From that is the place upon which I coach others to move past any perceived block, to show them the perspective of their own positive possibilities. That perspective has lead me to live where I am now. Despite high cost of living, despite lows of having to move and come back. I've been in my dream city for three years now. Where do you want to be? What is your Yes? Message me for the potential of work together, as I coach and guide you to your yes, your dream place, that is within and out.
What makes you#determined ? What's your #motivationto #acheive your #entrepreneur #goals and #dreams ? What's your story? How does what you've been through determine your determination? How determined are you? Are you willing to put in the work to truly be determined? Are you going to let your past stop you or fuel you? It's time to jump into your goals with full determination!
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3 Steps To Create A More FULFILLING Life1. Get clear on what it is fulfills you in life. Accept it. Acknowledge it. Share it. 2. Follow what fulfills you. Take action steps towards creating your dreams, goals and life purpose. 3. Get the help you need to create and manifest your divine purpose. What lights you up? What do you enjoy? What would you do even if you weren't getting paid? Chances are that is your purpose. There's an even greater chance that you can build a business around that passion. Now that you know what fulfills you, what action steps can you do to create your goal? Does that look like taking a course to learn more? Setting up a weekly time to practice your craft? Success is when preparation mets opportunity. Start prepping now. Once you know your purpose and have been working towards it, how can you get to accomplish your goal even quicker? How can you provide more quality? By getting others to help you succeed. That can look like having an accountability buddy, an assistant, going out to network, and hiring a coach. With these three steps you will be on your way to living a more fulfilled life. If you are feeling block around any of these steps, it's time for a coach. Contact me to see what coaching package is right for you. -Melissa Laine I am Melissa Laine, The Clearing Coach, my coaching service helps wantrepreneurs become entrepreneurs through removing their blocks and obstacles towards creating a life and business of their dreams. I accomplish this through group programs and one-on-one coaching that sets up my clients for simply success. Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but TRUE HAPPINESS still eludes them.
Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold, and truly willing to commit to a few simple steps, happiness will be yours in just a short while.
Becoming happy may mean “looking like a fool” or changing A LOT of your current habits, but I promise you…it sure beats the alternative. What can YOU do to create more happiness in your life TODAY? |